Saturday, August 16, 2008

Fair Week

This last week was the fair here in Burley. We stayed pretty busy having fun. Wednesday we went to the parade. It was very very hot but the kids had fun. And we went and walked around the fair looking at the animals. Madison really enjoyed the pigs. One was even squealing at her. On Thursday we went to the carnival for buddy day. Kenedi didn't have a buddy so she was stuck with me.
This was her favorite ride. It was one of those fun houses that you walk thru and this tunnel was at the end. It spins and you walk thru it. The first time i went thru i about fell on my face but she enjoyed it.
She really wanted to go on the zipper but they told her she was to short. She was really bummed but that meant that i didn't have to go on it either so it was good for me.

On Friday Nikki and I went and watched the hypnotist. I really enjoy watching them and so does Nikki. We talked Gerald into going back on Saturday with us. So we all went. Kenedi got quite the kick out of it also.
We now have Nikki back for school to start. She starts the 7th grade. Junior High man that makes me feel old. I think that she will like it though.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great pictures and comments! Those girls are growing up so fast, I wouldn't have known Nikki at all!