Saturday, August 9, 2008


A couple of weeks ago we were at my moms helping her do some yard work. We were helping her cut down some of the branches off her pine trees and Kenedi found a caterpillar. She was so excited when we told her she could keep it. So her and grandma were headed in the house to get a jar and it fell off the leaf she was carrying it on. So we looked and looked for it and she finally found it right when grandma stepped on it. She was so bummed. So we went back to work and grandma found another one. So they put it in a jar with some leaves and a little branch and we took it home. Well she left it outside in the yard and it got really hot in the jar so i told her she needed to bring it in the house. So she did and her dad told her that it was dead. Well she didn't believe him she kept telling him that it was moving. The next day it was in its cacoon. And about 2 weeks later it turned into a butterfly.
She was so happy to see that it had turned into a butterfly and was really sad when we told her she had to let it go or it would die. So we took her outside to let it go and she was scared to death of it. It would flap its wings to get out of the jar and she threw the jar on the ground and took a big step back.
It was really neat to watch all the changes they go thru and turn into a big beautiful butterfly. We are looking forward to doing this again next year. (Notice her miss matched shoes that's the way she likes to wear her shoes now.)

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