Friday, March 26, 2010

Potty Trained!!!

I'm am PROUD to say that my diaper changing days are over!!!! My baby girl is now potty trained and i have to say that she totally rocked the potty training!! I thought for the longest time I was never going to get her potty trained because every time you would even mention going potty or wearing big girl panties she would freak out and scream. So for about 2 weeks she would not leave her diaper on and we were going through so many diapers i thought i was going to go broke. So finally one day i told her if you aren't going to wear your diaper then go get some panties and you are going to to potty in the big girl potty. So she did and that was it!!!! How easy was that!!! She had very few accidents and very rarely has any now and its been 3 weeks now. YAY MADDY!!!!!!!!

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