Friday, January 22, 2010

Bob Bear

Bob bear made a visit to our house last night. This little bear is a class room friend in Kenedi's kindergarten class and gets to go home with a different student every night. They bring him home and then they have an assignment to write 2 or 3 sentences of what her and Bob bear did. They then put it in a binder that came home with him and after all the students had a turn taking him home they are making a little book about all of Bob bears visits. She wrote on her paper that Bob bear and her played dress up in her build a bear clothes (notice the outfit in the picture) and that her and Bob bear went and played at grandma's. She was soooo excited to bring this little bear home he never left her sight. The second picture is of the bottom part of her note she brought home with him Gerald and I had to laugh about it.

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