Sunday, September 13, 2009

1st tooth

Well my little girl is growing up so fast.  She has now lost her first tooth.  It was pretty loose and she wanted that thing out of there.  So we tried everything.  I couldn't pull it out cause her teeth are so tiny i couldn't even get a hold of it.  We tied a piece of string around it and tied it to the door knob and Gerald told her she was going to shut the door cause he didn't want her blaming him when it hurt.  So when he got it all tied up she slammed the door with no hesitation and the string just slide off and then she was even madder cause she really wanted it out.  So my neighbor is a dentist and we walked over the his house and asked him what to do and he sat her down and pulled it right out.  She didn't cry or even make a peep and was very glad that it was gone.  She was even happier the next morning when she had seen the tooth fairy had came.


Sarah Stokes said...

Those are some dang cute kids if I do sa so myself :)

Lynene said...

How cute! At least you know it won't be traumatic for her with the next one!

Cameron and Angie said...

LOL that made me cring when she shut the door herself ouch hahahha she is so cute all of your girls are I hope you all are doing good miss you!