Monday, November 2, 2009


This year for Halloween Kenedi was a color crayon and Maddy was a bumble bee. Kenedi had lots of fun as always and got lots and lots of candy and several compliments on her costume. It is actually one that my mom made several years ago when we were little. Maddy on the other hand does not enjoy Halloween. She hates the scary mask's and is just terrified. We cant ever walk down the Halloween isle as the stores with out her freaking out. So needless to say i carried her most of the night with her face buried in my shoulder. Nikki was with her mom again this year for Halloween. She dressed as a pirate and came home with lots of candy. I think we are stocked on candy for awhile and i will probably end up throwing most of it away.

1 comment:

Lynene said...

How cute! Too bad Maddy doesn't like the holiday, maybe when she gets older.