Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fire Dept. BBQ

Ok so i'm a slacker AGAIN!!  2 weeks ago was the fire dept. bbq and its always fun.  We have an awesome dinner and then they play this game called the keg push.  They put a keg up on a wire and you use the fire hose to push it.  It was so fun i even did it for the first time this year and let me tell you when you get sprayed with one of those hose's it hurts there is a lot of pressure coming out of those things.  But it was fun.  They have one for the little kids too but they just use a regular garden hose.  Kenedi did it last year and loved it.  They didn't have it this year cause they couldn't find the stuff or something.

This is Gerald's team he is the one in the middle.  We forgot the camera so this is off my cell phone and it was getting dark so its not the greatest.

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