Sunday, October 19, 2008

Getting ready for winter

On Friday Oct 10Th we got the yard all ready for winter. We got all the bikes put in the shed, all the toys put away, the boat all cleaned out, and all the water blown out of the sprinklers. Kenedi was very bummed to have to put her bike away so we left her scooter out. She loves being outside. She is also a very good helper she threw all the life jackets and stuff out of the boat for us.

Gerald looks very enthused. (Hes blowing the sprinklers out.)
This is our one and only pumpkin that grew in our garden. We might have had more if the cows didn't bust through the fence and eat our garden at the beginning of the summer but oh well. We got one!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still can't believe you have SNOW in October! And quite a bit of it. It seems so odd to me to see everyone with jackets, long pants and shoes and socks! We are still in our shorts and tank tops and sandals in Yuma! What is with these teenage girls and their sideways bangs hanging over their eyes! Cortney wears hers that way too.