Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First day of school

The girls have now started school. Kenedi started today, she was so excited. They mixed the morning and afternoon classes for awhile and i think she was kinda shocked to see so many people there. Last year she had about 11 kids in her class and today there was about 23. I think that she was a little bummed that there wasn't any kids in her class this year that was last year. She doesn't quite understand that concept. But she still had a blast.
Nikki actually started on the 25Th. Junior High! Defiantly a big change for her, but she enjoys it. She says the only thing she doesn't like is all the walking. She seems to be doing alot better this year, and making new friends. She comes home with lots of homework, and gets it all done. She is the manager for the volleyball team so she gets to travel places with them and i think she really enjoys that.
Miss Madison doesn't know what to do with both her sisters gone half the day. Its defiantly quieter but the getting up early in the morning is not normal in this house. We are used to sleeping in with Gerald's schedule so hopefully soon Kenedi starts going back in the afternoons.

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